Bowling tournament

Bowlcvil is a sport activity organized by Acepro. The organization of PPKA Bowling Tournament 2015 (BOWLCVIL) is an initiative from the Acepro team to ensure continuity to PPKA Bowling Tournament 2013 which was held successfully. This program has been an important recreation for the postgraduate students, research officers together with the academic and technical staffs from School of Civil Engineering.

Therefore, as an alternative to strengthen the bond among all committees, Acepro will host a PPKA Bowling Tournament in tandem with promoting a healthy lifestyle. Better understanding and friendship can help to facilitate the implementation and launch of any activities that will be carried out by Acepro. This bowling tournament also acts as a platform to bring out the committees potential in the bowling game, in addition of relaxing the mind through a healthy recreational activity. The details for the event are as below:

a. Date: 16 April 2015 (Thursday)

b. Time: 8pm to 11pm

c. Venue: Megamall Penang

d. Payment per person: RM25

p/s: For registration and question please find Ms Aiin Aziz at PG5